FIRST AND FOREMOST: I believe in Freedom, I believe in Science, I believe in God, and I believe in Right and Wrong. I would never infringe on your RIGHT TO CHOOSE and I Pledged My Life to Defend YOUR FREEDOM, including YOUR RIGHT OF CHOICE.
I am a U.S. Marine Corps Disabled Veteran, served as a Sergeant for over 10 years on Active Duty, where I pledged my life to protect the United States of America against our “Enemies Foreign and Domestic“ without exception for Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation, or Political Opinion.
This website contains my personal research because I learned quickly not to trust what we are all being told in the continued contradictions between Dr. Fauci, the CDC, the FDA, the Media, the lack of Publicly Reported Scientific Studies, out-right lies our Government Officials spew in the News and then Change the Narratives within days, and flat-out deviations of Common Sense.
I only hope that you will at least consider the information offered no matter your current Political Point of View or this Controversial Topic because what I am presenting here has supporting videos and documentation so you can read the actual "Follow the Science Studies", and News Articles for yourself.
If you only read this page and the First Homepage Article "We Made A Big Mistake", you will know, YOU have been been DECIEVED and yet, the 100% Mandated Agenda Pushes Forward!
You really need to know exactly what is in the Vaccines and what the Science shows they Do to Our Bodies! If you knew this you likely wouldn't have taken it.
You need to understand that there is a REAL AGENDA behind the FREE Vaccines, Bribes, Prizes, Trips, FREE Food, Travel Restrictions, etc..
And, because this ploy didn't work, our Government is Endorsing the Coersement and Treats to Push Vaccine Mandates and ID Cards through Public Agencies and Big Business, even for People who Recovered Naturally, really?
We have a Constitution, BUT it only gives us the Right to Choose, and in Either Direction, our Choice has Consequences!
Article on CNN Politics: Federal Law has no Jurisdiction, at this moment, to Force Vaccination, but the Federal Law does not prohibit Public Agencies and Businesses from requiring Covid-19 Vaccines.
So, this means that there could come a time in the near future, that you will not be able to go to a store, go to work, travel, etc. without your Vaccination ID Card!!!
Lastly, do you know that because of the EUA, the Government and Big Pharma CANNOT BE HELD LIABLE IF YOU DIE?
It is because you are "VOLUNTEERING FOR A GLOBAL VACCINE TRIAL" and are automatically accepting YOUR FATE!
Because it is a "Trial Vaccine", legally, even if EVERYONE DIES from the Vaccine, there are no repercussions.
Give this some thought before you get the shot...
If you choose to get Vaccinated, please do so.
If you choose to Not Get Vaccinated, please do not get it.
Either choice is YOUR CHOICE.
No American should infringe on another American's RIGHT to Choose for Themselves, especially for Medical Treatment.
With that said, we all need to be informed about what information "is" and "is not" being made readily available to the public.
Being informed is the only way any of us can make an "INFORMED DECISION" about what we "Choose", specifically with these "Emergency Authorization Use" ONLY Vaccines.
There is a “Silent War with Quiet Weapons” positioning the Global Elites vs the General Population and “They” have made themselves Judge, Jury, and Executioner.
Do Not take my word for this, as even though I pledged my life to protect you, YOU must Read & Watch for YOURSELF.
ARTICLE: “massive evidence that viral immune escape is now threatening humanity…” as stated in a Video (Link: Viral Immune Escape is Threatening Humanity).
Viral Immunie Escape is WHY the Vaccines are Not Effective the the Mutated Virus or the Variation.
The “Science” is clear, just look at all the 100% Vaccinated People Getting COVID on the News Today.
The Vaccines DO NOT STOP THE VIRUS... WHY? Because they were NEVER DESIGNED TO!
Read the Article "We Made a Big Mistake" the SCIENTIST FLAT OUT TELLS YOU "the spike protein on its own is almost entirely responsible for the damage to the cardiovascular system if it gets into circulation.”
This Article Tells You The Vaccines were ONLY Made to GIVE US the PROTEIN SPIKES "Thinking" it would work against the VIRUS, but it only is INCREASING the DAMAGE the the PROTEIN SPIKES ON THE VIRUS are CAUSING.
FYI - Cardiovascular Circulation "means" EVERYWHER YOU BLOOD GOES!
These "PROTEIN SPIKES" are "PRIONS" and they Cause "Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs)"
How Can This Be Ignored???
NIH Article:
Excerpt: "Prion diseases also are related to other protein misfolding diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Lewy body dementia."
Article: CDC on Prion Deseases:
LIFE CHANGING MOMENT: When you can accept this, you will understand that the News is only Reporting the "Symptoms" that the Vaccines are causing, i.e. Blood Clots, Aneurysms, Strokes, Parilazation, etc., but they DO NOT TELL YOU IT IS THE PROTEIN-SPIKES (Prions) they are Injecting into your Body!
FYI - The second shot's mRNA tells your body how to make more of them... Do Not Leave This Website Until YOU KNOW WHAT PRIONS DO TO YOU!
When you understand what Prions are and what they do to you, you would NEVER GET OR HAVE GOTTEN THE VACCINE!
The Articles and the Videos below within this website substantiate everything presented on this website.
More Information and Documentation will be added soon, but for now, take a second to gather yourself, as your view of the "Free World" and the "Hidden Agenda" the "Globalist Governments" are "Executing" may drastically change your current "Reality".
The Vaccine Killed My Friends Best Friend! In Church on the 4th of July!
She was a Heart Surgeon, had COVID, and RECOVERED last November! BUT, the Hospital wanted their Staff Vaccinated. So, she got Vaxxinated.
She felt terrible for several days and was going to the Hospital after Church. Before the sermon was over, she leaned over in the pue and died.
The Diagnosis said she "Died from COVID Complications!"
She did not have Covid-19, she was fine before she got the Shots!!! Then She Died within days of receiving the Vaccine!
You surely have heard that people who have "Recovered from COVID" are having "Adverse Side Effects", but our Government is just about to go "Door to Door" to ensure 100% of America is Vaccinated... Yet, the CDC says 81% of the Population is naturally "Immune to Covid", i.e. they get it and quickly "Recover".
Now, ask YOURSELF, if the Vaccine is harmful to people who have "Recovered" from COVID already, why are we "FORCING THEM TO GET VACCINATED?".
I firmly believe my Friend's Best Friend and all the others who have passed are being Murdered by the Creators of the Virus and the Vaccines. They are the Same.
I Plead for You and Everyone On the Planet, Do Not Get the Vaccine! If you learn what is on this website, you will feel the pain I have in my heart, for the people that trusted our Government, Fauci, and Friends and are going to suffer for their trust.
They created a Bioweapon and are using it on us. This is not a Conspiracy. Bodies of our loved ones are the absolute truth.
You Can't Sue them, because You are taking an Emergency Use Experimental Vaccine or You Volunteered for a World-Wide-Medical-Trial.
Now, Ask YOURSELF "Why does the U.S. Government lack Transparency about the "Vaccine Injuries?" And why is the CDC NOT Reporting in the News Media over 15,448 "Breakthrough Cases" in the first 6-Months of 2021?
The CDC is reporting 5,186 Covid Vaccine "Injuries or Deaths" as of July 6th, because they removed the 10,262 (15,448 total) from Jan 1 to April 30 and the CDC stopped counting cases if you could go home and suffer (This is a Link).
The European Government is reporting over 10.5K People are DEAD, and over 405k have been "Injured" by the VACCINES!!!
Click this link: Health Impact News website, and you can see the European version of the CDC VAERS System and the "Injury Statistics for each Vaccine" harming over 405,000 Vaccinated People.
Keep Reading to see all the things you are not being told about. Hopefully, there is something we can do about what is already happening.
Listen to the Doctors that Live and Breath the Science of Treating Patients Every Day!
Article: (August 26, 2021): - "Having (Recovered from) SARS-CoV-2 Once Confers Much Greater Immunity Than a Vaccine"
"The new analysis relies on the database of Maccabi Healthcare Services, which enrolls about 2.5 million Israelis. ... found in two analyses that never-infected people who were vaccinated in January and February were, in June, July, and the first half of August, six to 13 times more likely to get infected than unvaccinated people who were previously infected with the coronavirus.
In one analysis, comparing more than 32,000 people in the health system, the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated, and the risk of hospitalization eight times higher."
Article: (August 26, 2021): - Having SARS-CoV-2 Once Confers Much Greater Immunity Than a Vaccine
This is an update from the article below from MedRxiv on Aug 25th, 2021.
All you need to know is in the seventh paragraph of the article this is copied below:
Excerpt: "The new analysis relies on the database of Maccabi Healthcare Services, which enrolls about 2.5 million Israelis. The study, led by Tal Patalon and Sivan Gazit at KSM, the system’s research and innovation arm, found in two analyses that never-infected people who were vaccinated in January and February were, in June, July, and the first half of August, six to 13 times more likely to get infected than unvaccinated people who were previously infected with the coronavirus. In one analysis, comparing more than 32,000 people in the health system, the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated, and the risk of hospitalization eight times higher.
Article: (August 25, 2021): medRxiv - Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections
Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections
Background Reports of waning vaccine-induced immunity against COVID-19 have begun to surface. With that, the comparable long-term protection conferred by the previous infection with SARS-CoV-2 remains unclear.
Methods We conducted a retrospective observational study comparing three groups: (1)SARS-CoV-2-naïve individuals who received a two-dose regimen of the BioNTech/Pfizer mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine, (2)previously infected individuals who have not been vaccinated, and (3)previously infected and single-dose vaccinated individuals. Three multivariate logistic regression models were applied. In all models, we evaluated four outcomes: SARS-CoV-2 infection, symptomatic disease, COVID-19-related hospitalization, and death. The follow-up period of June 1 to August 14, 2021, when the Delta variant was dominant in Israel.
Results SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees had a 13.06-fold (95% CI, 8.08 to 21.11) increased risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant compared to those previously infected when the first event (infection or vaccination) occurred during January and February of 2021. The increased risk was significant (P<0.001) for symptomatic disease as well. When allowing the infection to occur at any time before vaccination (from March 2020 to February 2021), evidence of waning natural immunity was demonstrated, though SARS-CoV-2 naïve vaccinees had a 5.96-fold (95% CI, 4.85 to 7.33) increased risk for breakthrough infection and a 7.13-fold (95% CI, 5.51 to 9.21) increased risk for symptomatic disease. SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees were also at a greater risk for COVID-19-related-hospitalizations compared to those that were previously infected.
Conclusions This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer-lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease, and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.
The Mortality Rate from the Delta Variant is about Eight Times Higher in people who have been Fully Vaccinated
This is in line with recent data from Public Health England, which found that people who have been vaccinated are 600% more likely to die from Delta than people who have not been vaccinated."
Article: (Jun 29, 2021): The Beauty of Life: The mortality rate from the Delta Variant is about eight times higher in people who have been fully vaccinated
According to the latest statistics, people who got a COVID-19 (Chinese Communist Party) or CCP Virus vaccine or two are up to eight times more likely to test “positive” or have to be hospitalized.
Hospitalization rates and absolute mortality related to the Delta variant are significantly higher among the “vaccinated” than among the “unvaccinated,” according to a preliminary statistical analysis.
The data shows that people who are “fully vaccinated,” meaning they received both doses of an mRNA injection, had a nearly eight times higher mortality rate among those who test positive for the Delta variant.
The evidence in England now clearly shows that people who have been injected are to blame for the spread of Delta. And the more people who receive the vaccine, the more Delta spreads.“The delta variant infection rate of people who received at least [one] dose of vaccine is lower than that of fully vaccinated people while higher than that of unvaccinated people,” reports Gnews.
This is in line with recent data from Public Health England, which found that people who have been vaccinated are 600% more likely to die from Delta than people who have not been vaccinated.
According to data released by Public Health England (PHE) on Friday, June 18, the fatality rate from the Delta CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus variant is six times greater among individuals who were fully vaccinated for two weeks or longer than those who never got a shot.
“This is reminiscent of the ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement) phenomenon that has been seen for other vaccines and that has been expressed as a point of concern among many scientists for the COVID vaccines,” experienced researcher Stephanie Seneff at Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory told LifeSiteNews.
Earlier efforts with CCP Virus vaccines were hampered by ADE, which typically resulted in increased lung illness in injected lab animals. It prompted experts to advise scientists in 2012 to proceed with “caution” while developing human CCP Virus vaccines that could cause increased lung illness.
“I also suspect that massive vaccination campaigns may accelerate the rate at which the vaccine-resistant mutant strains become dominant among all the SARS-Co-V2 [coronavirus] strains.” Seneff stated.
There were 26 deaths out of 4,087 patients who were fully vaccinated 14 days or more before testing positive for the Delta CCP Virus strain. According to data released in a June 18 report titled “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England, Technical briefing 16,” this compared to a death rate of 0.00636 %, which was 6.6 times higher than the rate of 0.000957 %—or 34 deaths among 35,521 positive Delta cases among those who did not get a shot.
The medical establishment’s only argument about the injections is that they may reduce a person’s risk of becoming extremely ill and requiring hospitalization if they test positive. However, the most recent evidence suggests that even this is untrue.
“This analysis at least suggested that UK government might have cherry-picked the results that fit the ‘take the vaccine’ narrative and chose not to report the whole picture in the article mentioned on their news report,” Gnews concludes.
“And this analysis also shows that the mortality rate (usually the most accurate metric compared with hospitalization and infection) for vaccinated people who have contracted delta variant CCP Virus is very troubling, and might need further related investigation such as potential ADE effect.”
PROOF the CDC (etc.) Are NOT Telling What They Know About the SARS-CoV-2 Virus and What It Does to Our Bodies!
The Below NIH & NLM Studies the PROVE the CDC & NIH (etc.) Knows what the SARS-CoV-2 Virus & Vaccines Do to Our Bodies and "They" have Pending Patents on the CURE! This Information is in the "Conflict of Interest" Section of the NIH Article!
Updated Article: National Libary of Medicine (NLM - on NIH's Website!) (Mar 1, 2021): Neuroinvasion of SARS-CoV-2 in human and mouse brain
The Excerpt below is the update to the "Neuroinvasion of SARS-CoV-2 in human and mouse brain" Article from September 8th, 2020!
This, specifically, has been known by the NIH Funded Scientists and Published for OVER A YEAR! They knew well before they decided to Study This!
The Findings, including the Updated Study Results clearly state, "These results provide evidence for the neuroinvasive capacity of SARS-CoV-2 and an unexpected consequence of direct infection of neurons by SARS-CoV-2."
This is a "Results Statement" Not a "We are Not Sure about this Statement".
This is stating for a FACT, the there is a "direct infection of Neurons" (Brain Cells) by the SARS-CoV-2 Virus and their Prion-Protein-Spikes, that are:
- On the Virus.
- In the First Vaccine Shot.
- Is what the mRNA Vaccine Shot that teaches YOUR BODY TO MANUFACTURE Prion-Protein-Spikes.
I.E.: The Man-Made-GOF Virus and the Vaccines are ALL ABOUT PUTTING these Prion-Protien-Spikes, on a MASSIVE SCALE, into YOUR BODY.
Don't want to believe this?
There is no reason to do this if it is going to kill everyone, including Fauci and the other Globalists, right? That would be Suicide...
Well... It would be if you didn't have a Pending EUROPEAN Patents on the Treatment of the Prion Diseases AND T Cell-Based Immunotherapy for the Central Nervous System AND for Brain and CNS Tumor Therapy all Pending Approval!
WHAT? These sound like all the Therapeutics needed to stop the Gain-of-Function SARS-CoV-2 Virus and what the Vaccines do to our bodies!
Aren't we "Lucky" that BigPharma, Fauci, and his Globalist Friends ALREADY HAVE PATENTS PENDING FOR THE CURE?
Still, find this difficult to believe? Read the below "Conflict of Interest Statement" from the Article:
"Conflict of Interest Statement:
Disclosures: M. Gunel reported personal fees from AI Therapeutics outside the submitted work; and reported, "AI Therapeutics is currently sponsoring a clinical trial for a therapeutic, which has no relevance for this study, in COVID-19. I am the Chief Scientific Advisor to AI Therapeutics." C.B. Wilen reported personal fees from ZymoResearch outside the submitted work; in addition, C.B. Wilen had a patent for compounds and compositions for treating, ameliorating, and/or preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection and/or complications thereof pending. S. Haik reported a patent to Method for treating prion diseases (PCT/EP 2019/070457) pending. A. Iwasaki reported "other" from RIGImmune and grants from Spring Discovery during the conduct of the study; in addition, A. Iwasaki had a patent to 14/776,463 pending, a patent for a T cell-based immunotherapy for central nervous system viral infections and tumors pending, and a patent to manipulation of meningeal lymphatic vasculature for brain and CNS tumor therapy pending. No other disclosures were reported."
Yep, "Conflict of Interest" they had to disclose that they "KNEW" that the Virus and the Vaccines cause Brain Damage and Central Nervous System Damage in addition to the other Diseases because they have filed a Patent for the Cures!!!
Undeniable Collusion!!!
Excerpt from the Article:
Although COVID-19 is considered to be primarily a respiratory disease, SARS-CoV-2 affects Multiple Organ Systems including the Central Nervous System (CNS).
Yet, there is no consensus on the consequences of CNS infections. Here, we used three independent approaches to probe the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect the brain.
First, using human brain organoids, we observed clear evidence of infection with accompanying metabolic changes in infected and neighboring neurons.
However, no evidence for type I interferon responses was detected.
We demonstrate that neuronal infection can be prevented by blocking ACE2 with antibodies or by administering cerebrospinal fluid from a COVID-19 patient.
Second, using mice overexpressing human ACE2, we demonstrate SARS-CoV-2 neuroinvasion in vivo.
Finally, in autopsies from patients who died of COVID-19, we detect SARS-CoV-2 in cortical neurons and note pathological features associated with infection with minimal immune cell infiltrates.
These results provide evidence for the neuroinvasive capacity of SARS-CoV-2 and an unexpected consequence of direct infection of neurons by SARS-CoV-2."
Layman's Explanation: What is this article telling us?
- If the Virus is not treated immediately and is allowed to make you sick enough to be Hospitalized, the Virus and the "Prion Protein-Spikes" go throughout your Vital Organs, including Your Brain, and the "Protein-Spikes" Cause the Damage!
- This is why we were Locked Down and Why we were Not Allowed to Treat the Virus with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine as it would have greatly reduced Hospitalization.
- This is also why the public was not tolde that most of the population would have been fine if the took Suppliment Vitamins: C, D3, NAC, Qurecetin, & Zinc.
- The Fauci & Friends KNEW that the "Prion-Protein-Spikes" caused Brain Damage (Prion Diseases: (Blood Clots, Aneurysms, Strokes and will long-term lead to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Dementia)) and this is why they have "PATENTS PENDING FOR THE TREATMENT OF THE PRION DISEASES!!!
- This is WHY the Government has $4.5 Billion allocated for Mental Health Care in the Hr1 Bill, becaue they know there is going to be a Mental Health Crisis!
CONCLUSION: Fauci, the NIH, BigPharma, BigTech, CIA, WHO, the US & China Governments, the Gates Foundation, and all the other Globalists are all in on this from the beginning.
The danger of Coovid-19 could have been eliminated by over-the-counter Proven and Save Medicines, the Masks are a Lie, the Vaccines are a Lie, the Lockdowns only made things worse as the Virus pretty much Only Spreads Indoors, and over 80% of the Population has Natural Immunity that is 13x More Protection than the Vaccines that ONLY TARGET and PRODUCE the PRIONS that are actually causing the Deaths and Damage to our bodies.
This is the Science. Please Use it to Stand Up for YOURSELF, YOUR FAMILY, and OUR FUTURE!
Videos that You Might Want to Watch
Real Information about COIVID and the Vaccines - Concerned Parent at Edinburg CSID Board Meeting
This is Modal Title
Former Pfizer Employee Whistleblower Confirms Poison & Other Terrible Things In Vaccines
Covid Topics & Videos You Might Want to be Informed On
COVID TREATMENT: (Click Blue Link->) Multifaceted Highly Targeted Sequential Multidrug Treatment of Early Ambulatory High-Risk SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19) | This is How Your Dr.'s should Treat Your COVID!
If You do Nothing Else - Download from the Link Below; Read the Home-Based COVID Treatment Booklet, and use the Information to Protect Yourself and Loved Ones.
Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment (PDF e-Booklet)
This is from the AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons: Listen to a "Front Line Patient Treating Doctor" Tell YOU the Truth.
Article: National Library of Medicine (Oct 16, 2020): Potential Cross-Reactive Immunity to SARS-CoV-2 From Common Human Pathogens and Vaccines
EXCERPT: "Thereby, children may well be protected from SARS-CoV-2 through cross-reactive immunity elicited by DTP vaccinations, supporting testing in the general population to prevent COVID-19."
Note: That statement above did not say "treat Covid-19" it said, "prevent Covid-19."
EXCERPT: "...we found combination vaccines for treating diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis infectious diseases (DTP vaccine) to be significant sources of potential cross-reactive immunity to SARS-CoV-2."
This Study is Hidden within the below Article (Natural Immunity: Promotes Long-Term T Cell Immunity) the Covid-19 Scientists here explain WHY Children are Essentially Immune to Covid-19.
Another convoluted way to say that Children have Immunity and are not being infected with Covid-19 is because children receive several DTP vaccinations in their first year of life, and get their booster at 4-6 years of age.
Remember, Fauci runs the National Institute of Health (NIH), and this is a Published Scientific Peer-Reviewed Article, is on his Website:
Do you still believe that Fauci and the CDC don't know that the vast majority of our Children are "A Systematic" because they have developed Immunity through their Childhood Vaccines?
This Study is almost a Year Old and "They" are MANDATING the Vaccines on Children who are already IMMUNE!!!
There is absolutely no reason to give Children a Vaccine if they have already had Cross-Reactive Immunity!
Follow the Science!
Article: National Library of Medicine (May 22, 2021): Repeated Exposure to Subinfectious Doses of SARS-CoV-2 May Promote T Cell Immunity and Protection against Severe COVID-19
EXCERPT: "As suggested by recent studies, low-dose viral particles entering the respiratory and intestinal tracts may be able to induce T cell memory in the absence of inflammation (A Systematic, i.e. No or Mild Symptoms (added for clarification)), potentially resulting in different degrees of immunization (Natural Immunity (added)).
In this scenario, non-pharmaceutical interventions (No-Vaccines (added)) would play a double role, one in the short term by reducing the detrimental spreading of SARS-CoV-2 particles (Healthy Diet, Excercise, Vitamins & Sunshine (added)), and one in the long term by allowing the development of a widespread (although heterogeneous and uncontrollable) form of immune protection (Herd Immunity (added))."
So, although this Study is well Hidden on a Massive Government Website, the Covid-19 Scientists literally studying Natural Immunity as in "T Cell Immunity" for Short and Long Term Effectiveness, are saying this:
"As suggested by recent studies, low-dose viral particles entering the respiratory and intestinal tracts may be able to induce T cell memory in the absence of inflammation, potentially resulting in different degrees of immunization." (i.e. Natural Immunity)
Quite a convoluted way to say Natural Immunity, i.e. Herd Immunity, is real and a real long term solution:
"long term by allowing the development of a widespread (although heterogeneous and uncontrollable) form of immune protection."
Remember, Fauci runs the National Institute of Health (NIH), and this is a Published Scientific Peer-Reviewed Article, is on his Website:
Do you still believe that Fauci and the CDC don't know that the vast majority of the Population are "A Systematic" and have Natural Immunity?
There is absolutely no reason to give people a Vaccine if they have already had and recovered from Covid-19 unless the Vaccine Mandates are due to another Agenda because Protecting the Population CANNOT BE THE TRUTH!
I absolutely believe this because, as you will read in the below Accordion, "My Friend's Best Friend Died July 4th, 2021 in Church After Vaccination", you will see there is more truth to Natural Immunity and the Vaccines are not what they are reported to be.
She had Covid-19 (Nov 2020), had recovered for months, and was perfectly fine, but her hospital required the Staff to be Vaccinated (June 2021) regardless of having recovered from Covid-19, and she died a few days later.
If you have had Convid-19 and Recovered, my advice would be to not get the Vaccine.
Peter McCullough, MD (The Most Published Person in the History of Medical Studies for his Field of the Heart and Kidneys) Testifies to Texas Senate HHS Committee (March 10, 2021):
Published COVID-19 TREATMENT in the American Journal of Medicine (Jan 01, 2021): Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection
EXCERPT: "This article outlines key pathophysiological principles that relate to the patient with early infection treated at home. Therapeutic approaches based on these principles include:
1) reduction of reinoculation
2) combination antiviral therapy
3) immunomodulation
4) antiplatelet/antithrombotic therapy, and;
5) administration of oxygen, monitoring, and telemedicine."
Pierre Kory, MD and his Associates are some of the Most Published People in their Speciality of Treating Patients in the World Testifies to the U.S. Senate for the THIRD TIME! (Dec 10, 2020): "I CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS"
Since 28 December 2020, the Mexico City Government made the decision to expand population-based health Interventions providing medical ivermectin kits to over 83,000 positive mild to moderate symptomatic patients.
Significant effect of the ivermectin-based medical kit on the probability of hospitalization ranges from 50% to 76% Difference in hospitalization odds between treated and untreated patients, statistically significant in all cases.
So, for a treatment that is only a few dollars, why is Fauci, the CDC, the FDA, and our Government so AGAINST USING IVERMECTIN?
DVM Geert Vanden Bossche, Ph.D., in the below Video, explains how the Covid Vaccines Destroy our "Natural Immune Defense" Systems!
Dr. Bossche is the World-Renowned Leading Vaccine Discovery & Preclinical Research Scientist and has appealed to the WHO and all stakeholders immediately stop using the Vaccines stating, this is "THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY OF INTERNATIONAL CONCERN.
Quote from the Video: "... Massive Evidence that Viral Immune Escape is threatening Humanity ... it remains untouched by those who have the power to act."
The below Video includes Layman Explanations for us Non-Scientific Professionals.
COVID-19 Uncensored: Real Science & Truth
Want to know the truth about COVID-19?
As chaos and confusion grip people around the globe, where can you turn to find answers? The Scientists that are Speaking Out and there are MANY!
While most mainstream and social media outlets have decided to censor doctors who offer treatment options for COVID-19, we want you to hear them first-hand and be empowered to make informed decisions about your health.
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has been largely used and investigated as therapy of COVID-19, at a total dose usually ranging from 2400 mg to 9600 mg.
In Belgium, off-label use of low-dose HCQ (2400 mg in total over five days) was recommended for hospitalized patients with COVID-19.
Compared to supportive care only, low-dose HCQ monotherapy was independently associated with lower mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 diagnosed and treated early or later after symptom onset. The small dose is more effective in treating Covid-19.
Association of American Physicians
Article (July 8, 2021) by: AAPS COVID-19: What about the Delta Variant?
"Vaccinated people probably have antibodies that work against variants, but are we seeing antibody-dependent enhancement of disease, as occurred in animals vaccinated against SARS-CoV-1 a decade ago? Because of this, the vaccine was not used in humans."
"This table shows that vaccinated people with Delta variant disease were six times more likely to die than unvaccinated people, according to figures from Public Health England."
"Here, the death rate is 8.5 times higher in those with two doses of vaccine than in those who have received none."
"The Delta strain appears to have originated in India. In Delhi, the strategy is to treat with ivermectin; in London, to vaccinate. The graph below compares the results. Between June 1 and June 14, per capita cases in Delhi decreased 77%, and in London increased 206%."
Before You Read Further, Re-Read the First Paragraph above and Pay Close Attention to the Last Sentence...
They saw the same "Antibody-Dependant Enhancement of the Disease" "as occurred in animals vaccinated against SARS-CoV-1 a decade ago?" and when they "Tested this Same Type of Vaccine on Animals, and it caused the Animals to lose Immunity to the Variants", and this is why they didn't use it on Humans.
This means, "They" KNEW these Vaccines were not going to be EFFECTIVE to provide long-term Immunity BUT used it anyway.
Now consider how much money is to be made by BidPharm and Government Special Interests, not only on the Initial Vaccines but with the Boosters Every 6-Months. All paid by our Tax Dollars.
Read the article below for yourself, but Keep Reading because the Below Video completely Explains WHY "This Type of Vaccine" Should NOT have been used and WHY the Variants are such an issue.
Below is some Extremely Important Information about Why the Variants are Deadly for Vaccinated People.
The Key Thing to Learn is What Does "antibody-dependent enhancement of disease" actually mean and how it makes it harder for our bodies to fight the Variants.
Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Disease
This means, the antibodies created by the Initial Vaccines (Variant "A") only stop the Virus Variant the Vaccines Target.
So, what does this mean?
It means once the Virus Mutates, YOU are once again, NOT IMMUNE to the VARIANT!
This is exactly why "They" are bringing in the "BOOSTER SHOTS" in now as is all over the News...
Everyone already Vaccinated now has to get a Booster Shot Every Time the Virus Mutates into another Variant.
This is EXACTLY WHY DVM Bossche, PH.D.Warned the World that making this kind of Vaccine "In the Middle of a Pandemic was the Worst Choice of any Option to Treat the Covid-19 Virus."
The below video is also on the homepage and includes Layman Explanations of WHY the Variants are a Big Issue in an Easier to Understand Information for us, Non-Scientific Professionals.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Article (Dec 17, 2020): COVID-19 rapid guideline: vitamin D
Section 1.3 of the Article: "For a short explanation of why we made these recommendations see the rationale section on recommendations " is where the Excerpt below is from.
EXCERPT: "The panel discussed the evidence for the association of vitamin D status with COVID‑19. They agreed that low vitamin D status was associated with more severe outcomes from COVID‑19."
Wall Street Journal Article (Oct 5, 2020): Trump Takes Zinc. Maybe You Should Too!
EXCERPT: "Mr. Trump is receiving one treatment you can buy without a prescription at your local drugstore: zinc.
Last month, researchers from Spain reported that patients who died in hospitals in March and April (2020) on average had zinc blood levels of 43 micrograms per deciliter; survivors had 63.
A level of 70 is considered normal.
After adjusting for age, sex, illness severity, and treatments, every unit increase of zinc in the blood was associated with a 7% lower likelihood of dying. That’s huge."
Video: Covid is a Bioweapon
This Title sounds bad because it is an unbelievably bad thing! About 11:34 into the video, you will start learning about how the SARS-Co-V2 Virus was created and will recognize the former Director of the CDC tell you he believes the Virus came from a lab.
A little later, Dr. Fleming, will present you the signs that point to the Gain of Function Manipulation, which includes footage where Dr. Fauci’s Gain of Function (GOF) Professor (Ralph Baric) from the University of North Carolina, who says on Video, that “they” created the new Virus (Antigen) from the SARS-Co-V1 in 2003, and that “they” have “3 or 4 ways to modify a Virus so no one could tell we did it”…
Not Joking, Fauci is the Snake's Head of the Covid-19 Gain of Function Research for Professor Baric and his cohorts, and that Funding was also given to ecoHealth Alliance who worked jointly with China to do create the Virus. Watch the Video.
U.S. Patent US9884895B2 – Methods and Compositions for Chimeric Coronavirus Spike Proteins - Dr. Ralph Baric, Sudhakar Agnihothram, and Boyd Yount of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are on the Patent Funded by the NIH.
As you learn everything else, that paragraph above alone should tell you that Fauci and Friends have known EVERYTHING to know about Covid-19 (SARS-Co-V2) BECAUSE they were given the United States Patent on the "Methods" to Create it, what it is "Composition" and that it has Coronavirus "Spike Proteins"!
The First Article below "We Made a Big Mistake" tells you that it is the "Spike Proteins" that are Killing People, some are fast, but most will be slow from the Prion Diseases.
Watch it about 1.5x the speed, they take pretty slow and there is a lot they are trying to tell us.
Prion-Domain Receptors are on top of the "Protein Spikes"
The Protein Spikes on the surface of the SARS-Co-V2 Virus are the Red Tree-looking things sticking out of the Virus Nucleus.
More Information You Might Want to be Informed On
Article: Health Impact News (Aug 16, 2021): CDC Records Show 12,791 DEAD and 682,873 Injuries Following COVID-19 Experimental Shots
by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News
According to the most recent stats released by the CDC this past Saturday, August 14, 2021, their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) now has recorded more than twice as many deaths following the non-FDA approved experimental COVID-19 shots during the past 8 and a half months, than deaths recorded following ALL FDA approved vaccines for the past 30 years.
This has to be the most censored information in the U.S. right now, even though these statistics come directly from the CDC.
They have now recorded 12,791 deaths, 16,044 permanent disabilities, 70,667 emergency room visits, 51,242 hospitalizations, 13,139 life threatening events, among 682,873 reported injuries from 571,831 cases.
The CDC’s official response to these statistics is that they are basically coincidences, and are not related to the experimental COVID-19 shots.
Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines. (Source.)
Trusting in the CDC for COVID-19 safety information is quite obviously deadly. Because it is widely known that these statistics that they admit to are but a fraction of actual cases, as very few medical professionals are willing to classify an injury or death as caused by COVID-19 injections.
By way of contrast, deaths following all FDA-approved vaccines for the 30 years prior to the emergency use authorizations of the COVID-19 shots total 6,068 over 30 years according to the CDC.
What are NOT included in these 12,791 deaths the CDC is reporting following COVID-19 shots, are the number of fetal deaths following COVID-19 injections into pregnant women, which now numbers 1,360 deaths according to the CDC.
The FDA & CDC Serve Big Pharma – Not the Public
The Big Pharma cartel is now fully in control of just about every aspect of our lives. They own the corporate media which is not reporting any of these statistics from VAERS, and they control the health agencies like the NIH, the CDC, and the FDA.
They are rushing now to remove the emergency use authorization on these COVID-19 shots, and give them full approval so that they can legally be mandated, and the Pentagon has already stated that they will mandate them for the U.S. Military in September.
The FDA has also just recently authorized a 3rd booster COVID-19 shot “for those who are immunocompromised.”
Los Angeles County started offering these 3rd Pfizer COVID-19 shots this past weekend.
Anthony Fauci did the Sunday talk show tour yesterday, and stated that Americans need to surrender their liberties (yes, he actually said that) because we are all fighting a common enemy, “the virus.”
In addition, the Department of Homeland Security has now issued a bulletin declaring that anyone who questions COVID-19 measures like masks and “vaccines” are potential “domestic terrorists.”
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They are using a bogus COVID-19 “outbreak” called the “Delta variant,” and the CDC has already been caught lying about who are actually being hospitalized right now, falsely stating that the “unvaccinated” are filling up hospitals, when almost the exact opposite is happening around the world.
Israel, Australia Report 95-99% Hospitalized are Fully Vaccinated
The real tragedy that is happening in our nation’s hospitals is that they are financially motivated to treat as many COVID patients as possible, and this has resulted, especially among our senior population, in more deaths due to COVID-19 injections than to actual cases of COVID. See:
Board Certified Occupational Therapist Whistleblower: More Patients are Dying from the Vaccine than from COVID
This is our top-read story and most watched video for the past 7 days, and for good reason, because it EXPOSES EVERYTHING!
People are dying NEEDLESSLY because they are being forced to be treated as COVID patients in hospitals, and this is truly a crime against humanity.
Please see this article if you have not yet read it, and be sure to read the comments at the bottom to understand what families are going through today when a family member is admitted to a hospital and ends up DEAD:
Standard COVID Protocol Treatments Still Killing Patients in Hospitals – When will the Murders Stop?
What are you going to do America? Humanity literally hangs in the balance.
Nuremberg Code Section 1. "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
This means that the person involved should have the legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior forms of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision."
Are we at War? Does this Apply? Many Believe So...
Legal Standing Not Established in American National Law... Maybe it should be!
"Subsequently, the ten points became known as the "Nuremberg Code."
Although the code addressed the defense arguments in general, remarkably none of the specific findings against Brandt and his codefendants mentioned the code.
Thus the legal force of the document was not well established.
The uncertain use of the code continued in the half century following the trial when it informed numerous international ethics statements but failed to find a place in either the American or German national law codes.
Nevertheless, it remains a landmark document on medical ethics and one of the most lasting products of the "Doctors Trial."
Read it for yourself, here is the link "Nuremberg Code", just understand that these Ethical Codes for Experimental Medical Experiments Sentences People to Death for "War Crimes".
Are we at War? Cyber Attacks on our Fuel and Food Supply Chains, our Presidential Election, and now Mandatory "Emergency Use Authorized" (i.e. Medical Experiment) Vaccines Coerced upon the American People. Sound like a War to me.
Why are the Vaccine Breakthrough Deaths Deflated?
- May 1st, 2021, the CDC Changed HOW they Count Breakthrough Cases:
- If the patient died "≥14 days after receipt of all recommended doses of an FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine" it is a breakthrough case.
- But, if you die 13 days after the vaccine with one or both shots, it is counted as a Covid-19 Complications Death.
- May 1st, 2021, the CDC Changed HOW they Count Breakthrough Cases:
This means: If you are perfectly well, or you had Covid-19 and recovered or were A Systematic, or you only get one shot, or you get both shots and die in 13 Days, it is NOT A VACCINE BREAKTHROUGH CASE DEATH!
Read "My Friends' Best Friend Died July 4th, 2021 in Church After Vaccination" further down the Hompage.
She had Covid-19 in November of 2020, Recovered, and was fine.
She was a Heart Surgeon and her Hospital wanted all their Staff Vaccinated.
So, she got vaccinated and died in Church on the 4th of July, but because she died within two weeks of the Fully Vaccinated Shots, her death Diagnosis was due to "Covid Complications!"
She absolutely died from the Vaccine, she was fully recovered from Covid-19 for MONTHS!
This is why the Reported Count of Breakthrough Cases are Not Even Close!
She was in her early 40's and is a Casualty of our Government's Agenda because as you learned in the previous articles and videos above, the Science 100% Shows the Vaccines are not the ANSWER!
Here is the deal, if you die after the Vaccine Shot or Shots, and you were fine before the shots, or have already had Covid, and Recovered, it was the Vaccine that Killed You! PERIOD!
We have to stop Lies and Misinformation. These Vaccines are Dangerous.
- We know is at least 5% of all cases, according to the EUA Vaccine Trials, which simple math says is about 30,900 of the Covid Vaccine Deaths (5% of 618,000). Yet, this is well short of the current CDC Statistics stating only 8,054 (Aug 9, 2021), and since they change how they count the Vaccine Deaths, they are not including, "A total of 10,262 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine breakthrough infections had been reported from 46 U.S. states and territories as of April 30, 2021."
- Thus, a total of 18,316 Vaccine deaths have been reported "Officially by the CDC", but they are currently only providing the data on their website since May 1st, 2021 when they changed their Reporting Criteria, and the other 10,262 Vaccine Deaths are not counted in the "New Official Counts" Reported Public.
- Given this information, that the CDC is purposely disavowing 78.48% of the Vaccine Breakthrough Deaths in 2021!,
Thus, because of how the Deaths are Counted since May 1, 2021, we have to believe the Number of Vaccine Deaths (14 days or More), is very skewed, and that the real number is significantly more than the simple math of 30,900!
Here is the deal, as of August 9th, the CDC Website stated 8,054 Hospitalized or Fatal Vaccine Breakthrough Cases "Reported to CDC", it is almost two weeks later and the News is reporting hundreds of deaths and thousands of Hospitalizations, DAILY.
But, CDC has not updated its numbers? Is it because no one is reporting hundreds of deaths and thousands of Hospitalizations?
If the rest of the population could see that the Vaccinated are really at risk because of the Variants, and knew that Natural Immunity and the use of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, a Healthy Diet, Exercise, Vitamins, and Sunshine, i.e. going outside is your best Defence, do you think anyone else would get the Vaccine?
Would YOU?
If you are questioning this, and why the Vaccines are Needing Booster Shots because the Variants are Breaking Through the Vaccines supposed Covid-19 Protection?
Then, be sure to go down the homepage to the Blue Accordion "DVM Bossche, Ph.D. (Mar 6, 2021): Viral Immune Escape" and Learn WHY the Vaccines CANNOT STOP THE VARIANTS!
Masks: Do Cloth, Surgical, T-Shirt, Bandanna, etc. Masks Work? NO!
Dividers & Face Sheilds: Do Dividers/Cubicles in Schools, Stores, at Work of the Face Sheilds Work? NO!
Below is the TRUTH: I can't say this enough, "Follow the Science" for Yourself!
Article: New York Times (Aug 20, 2021) - Those Anti-Covid Plastic Barriers Probably Don't Help and May Make Things Worse
Just like the AP Reported, the NY Times is stating the same things about other Aerosol Diseases Pre-Covid in the article above with links to studies from as far back as 2013!
Aerosol Scientists in all these studies state Aerosol Disease, which include the Coronavirus, and Aerosol Particles effortlessly pass through Masks and around Face Shields, and Dividers and because Dividers Stop Air Flow, they Concentrate the Aerosols in the mont circulating Air Space.
Think About it. This is why EVERY SINGLE CASE of Covid-19 is due to TRANSMISSION INDOORS!
Article: A Misleading C.D.C. Number - The New York Times
- Excerpt: "There is not a single documented Covid infection anywhere in the world from casual outdoor interactions, such as walking past someone on a street or eating at a nearby table." Meaning if you are Outside being Healthy, getting Exercise, and Sunshine, You are not going to get COVID!
- This Excerpt is in the 2nd Sentence, in the 2nd Paragraph above the "The Singapore Mystery" Heading; Hidden Half-Way through the Article. So, everyone can find it, right?
Here is the simple common-sense reason that wearing all these non-respirator masks or putting up shields around you or on your face do not protect you from the virus:
- If you can smell smoke through it, it does not work!
- Smoke Particle Diameters Average "around 2.5 microns..." and are about 5-Times Larger than the Aerosol SARS-CoV-2 Virus "0.05-0.1 microns"!
- AP Reported that Cloth masks do not stop smoke particles, still effective against COVID-19 stating CDC's reflection, "Wildfire particles range anywhere from 2.5 microns and smaller. A coronavirus particle is about .125 microns in size. Cloth masks and surgical masks are not designed to protect you against particles that small so the smoke goes through,” Parsons said. “Respiratory droplets are much larger than the harmful materials in the wildfire smoke.”
- So, why the argument here? It is agreed that if you Cough up Spit and it Spews out of your Mouth, your Spit will be caught in the mask or blocked by the plexiglass or a face shield, sure, given. But what about when you simply cough or are just breathing, and are locked down for a month in a room with your family. If you have Covid-19 and are in a room breathing, your breath has the Aerosol Covid-19 Virus and those cloth masks do nothing to stop the spread. Period.
- Essentially, if you can breathe and smell through the mask, you can breathe in and breathe out the SARS-CoV-2 Aerosol Virus, you just shouldn't Spit on Anyone! Follow the Science.
- AP Reported that Cloth masks do not stop smoke particles, still effective against COVID-19 stating CDC's reflection, "Wildfire particles range anywhere from 2.5 microns and smaller. A coronavirus particle is about .125 microns in size. Cloth masks and surgical masks are not designed to protect you against particles that small so the smoke goes through,” Parsons said. “Respiratory droplets are much larger than the harmful materials in the wildfire smoke.”
- Smoke Particle Diameters Average "around 2.5 microns..." and are about 5-Times Larger than the Aerosol SARS-CoV-2 Virus "0.05-0.1 microns"!
Article: Mount Sinai (Nov 11, 2020) Study of Nearly 2,000 Marine Recruits Reveals Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Among Young Adults During Supervised Quarantine.
During the study period, all recruits wore cloth masks, practiced social distancing of at least six feet, and regularly washed their hands, and each recruit had just one roommate.
ARTICLE EXCERPT: “The identification of six independent transmission clusters defined by distinct mutations indicates that there were multiple independent SARS-CoV-2 introductions and outbreaks during the supervised quarantine,” said Harm van Bakel, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Genetics and Genomic Sciences at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
If Your Mask is not a Sealed Respirator, it is just protecting us from your pretty face and you from the facial recognition cameras.
Fauci's 60Minute Overtime Interview Video with Dr. Jon LaPook about Covid-19 and Wearing Masks:
REUTERS ARTICLE (link): EXCERPT: "Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), saying “there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.” Fauci’s remarks were made on March 8, 2020..." and he, the CDC, the WHO, have all changed their minds "for us" several times.
This Article's "Narrative" is that the 60-Minutes Overtime Interview does not "represent his current stance on face coverings nor the updated guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)."
You are CURRENTLY being told, that it is currently ok to not wear a mask if you are "Fully Vaccinated", because "Magically; the Vaccines Protect the Vaccinated and the Masks Protect All of Us from the UnVaccinaged", yet in the Active Duty Marine Case Study, providing very reliable "Science" above, that this, is not the case.
Just about every evening on the News, we see many people Still Getting Covid, with and without the "Masks", AND with and without being "Fully Vaccinated".
Right Now, they are also stating that BECAUSE you are Vaccinated AND you get Covid-19 YOU ARE MORE CONTAGOUS that an UnVaccinated Person BECAUSE YOU SHED MORE OF THE VIRUS!
It is almost like every time there is new information, it seems like the Vaccines are Helping the Virus Spread... This Should Make You Wonder Why...
COMMON SENSE & SCIENCE: The Masks AND the Vaccines; DO NOT PROTECT YOU FROM GETTING COVID! They NEVER did, the Vaccines were not Created/Encoded for the Virus, but the "Protein-Spike" (Seriously, the Spike and the Virus are completely Different Disease Causin Antigens!!!), so the Vaccine DOES NOT PROTECT YOU FROM COVID! It CAN'T!!! The Virus gets a Pass-Through that your Immune System has to fight off With Or Without the Vaccine! Period. Follow the Science.
If you are not believing the above Paragraph, here is an EXCERPT from the Below Article, “We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now,” said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at the University of Guelph, Ontario. “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein (link). So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.”
Reread the whole article so you truly understand what is attacking our bodies from the Virus and the Vaccines. Then keep reading to know the whole Truth.
"They" need to stop lying to us and they need to start Treating the Virus and Stop Filling People's Bodies with "PRIONS!"
FACT: The World was Purposely Mislead with the 95% Vaccine Efficacy "RRR" Statistics
Article by: The LANCET Microbe on April 20, 2021 (Updated: July 1, 2021): COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness—the elephant (not) in the room
Article by: Reuters on June 2, 2021: Fact Check-Why Relative Risk Reduction, not Absolute Risk Reduction, is most often used in calculating vaccine efficacy
As you read the excerpts below, understand that although we were "Mislead", as stated in the very last Section "VERDICT" where the "Fact Check" Reuters Article concludes, the two sets of Statistics, are "Technically Accurate", so "They" didn't "Technically Lie", but "They" absolutely did not disclose the "Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth, so Help "Them", God!" by using the RRR Statistics.
Excerpt from the Article: "They deceived everyone..." by reporting Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) rather than Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR).”
The RRR Statistics were used by OUR Government, News Media, and the FDA to make us believe (Lie to us.) that the Vaccines, specifically Pfizer BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine is 95% ( here ), Moderna's 94.1% ( here ), and 66.3% for the J&J/Janssen vaccine ( here ).
"They" Purposely OVERSTATED touting 95% Efficacy, and we "Trusted" "Them", because we wanted "Protection from the COVID-19 Virus".
As stated in the Article, "Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) is the arithmetic difference between event rates (the percentage of people who, for example, got infected per the number of people in the trial) within the two groups ( here )."
What does this MEAN? Well, as reported by the Reuters Article: (excerpt is below)
Tweet from “@TheLancet peer-reviewed study confirms vaccine efficacy, not as 95% stated by the vaccine companies, but as: Astra Zeneca 1.3%, Moderna 1.2%, J&J 1.2% and Pfizer 0.84%. They deceived everyone by reporting Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) rather than Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR).”
Thus, the Actual Real-World Average Effectiveness of the Vaccines or "Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) is 1.135% Efficacy!
Also reported by another Reuters Article: "Pfizer ends COVID-19 trial with 95% efficacy, to seek emergency-use authorization", "Misleading" excerpt is below:
"Nov 18 (Reuters) - Pfizer Inc said on Wednesday that final results from the late-stage trial of its COVID-19 vaccine show it was 95% effective, adding it had the required two-months of safety data and would apply for emergency U.S. authorization within days."
Another Interesting Point in this Excerpt, "Pfizer said on Wednesday there had been 170 cases of the disease in its trial..."
Pfizer Trial only had 170 Cases of People with the (COVID-19) Disease to get those 95% effective for FDA Approval then tells the World it was 95% Effective against COVID.
You might have to read that again; to have it sink in that 170 people, produced the 95% Efficacy of the Vaccines needed for FDA Approval; to then start forcing a Vaccine on the Population of the World.
Remember, you are keeping in mind throughout this website, that "They" are Pushing this Extremely "UNEFFECTIVE" "EMERGENCY USE ONLY" Vaccine on YOUR CHILDREN!
- You now know you were "Mislead" by Big Pharma, the FDA, and our Government who "Sold" us 95% Efficacy of the Vaccine against the COVID-19 Virus.
- You have known that the Cloth, Surgical, and Bandanna Masks CANNOT Protect You from an Aresole Virus, EVER.
- You now know that the Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) Vaccine Average is 1.135% Efficacy!
- So, the Vaccines obviously at 1% Efficacy NEVER "really" Protected You from the Virus, hence all the "Breakthrough" Cases of getting the Virus "After Being Vaccinated." More on these topics later.
- You know that Young Adults and especially Children are the "Lowest Risk Groups" not "High Risk at All", but we "MUST VACCINATE" them with a 1% Efficacy Vaccine? How does that Make Sense?
- VACCINATION COERCION: WHY are "They" forcefully trying to persuade people to get the Vaccine with incentives like the french fries, trips, and lottery prizes, to get a Vaccine that does not Vaccinate you for COVID?
- WHY are "They" wanting the UNVACINATED and COVID-Recovered People to wear a USELESS Mask, as Natural Immunity is ALWAYS Better than a Vaccine?
- Why is it illegal for the Federal Government (Unconstitutional) and your General Practitioner (Family DR.) to Vaccinate You (Malpractice), but it is just fine for you to "Volunteer Your Body to the Big Pharma Vaccinators?
- Your Family Dr. will lose their Medical License for administrating "Medicine that is NOT FDA APPROVED!"
- FYI - "EMERGENCY USE ONLY" removes the Responsibility of your Death when you get Vaccinated and Die because you are Volunteering to take an UNTESTED UNSAFE AND UNKNOWN TRIAL USE ONLY MEDICINE!
- You are essentially Volunteering for a World Wide Medical Trial with no ramifications to the Big Pharma Suppliers, even when you die from the Shots.
- You cannot sue the conductors of a Medical Trial that you Volunteered for, nice loophole, right?
- You are essentially Volunteering for a World Wide Medical Trial with no ramifications to the Big Pharma Suppliers, even when you die from the Shots.
- Have you Asked YOURSELF, "If the Vaccines don't Vaccinate you from Covid-19, what do they do to you, and WHAT IS IN THEM?"
- "They" knew all about and how to present the RRRs & the ARRs of the Vaccines from the BEGINNING of the FDA Approval Process!
- "They" purposely "Mislead" us into thinking we "NEEDED a VACCINE' to live through COVID, which is NOT TRUE.
- How can I state that?
- Think about it for a second, "COVID-19" Deaths are way down but do you think it is because of a 1% Effective Vaccine, Herd Immunity (that "They" claim is unobtainable), or that "They" changed how they are presenting the Statistics?
- I know the answers to these questions, yet I want you to think about what you have been told vs what I'm presenting to you, for you to make an informed decision for your life and your loved ones.
- FYI - The Vaccines NEVER Treated the Virus, They are ENCODED (mRNA) to the "Protein Spike" on the Virus, so WHY tell us the Vaccines Vaccinated us from COVID?
- What is the "Protein Spike", the Article below "We Made a Big Mistake" will open your eyes, but know you may not want to know the answers that follow?
=--> Link to WorldOMeter - Brazil Covid Information
Article: Health Impact News (Aug 19, 2021): Over 32,000 People DEAD in Brazil Following COVID-19 Vaccines According to Official Media Report
by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News
A Health Impact Newsreader from Brazil has alerted us to official media reports stating that during a 5-month period, over 32,000 people in Brazil have died following a COVID-19 injection.
Currently in Brazil, the following vaccines are authorized for use: AstraZeneca/Oxford, Pfizer/BioNTech, Coronavac (also called Sinovac), J&J/Janssen, and Butanvac.
The report was published on, which reportedly has about the same number of pageviews as, according to data from SimilarWeb. It is so big, that ICANN has given its own domain: .uol.
Despite this high amount of deaths following vaccination, the report states:
“Vaccination is still the best way to control the disease.”
But even these cases of deaths following COVID-19 injections might be under-reported, as the country’s state news agency reported in July that in the small state of Distrito Federal, at least 711 died after taking the first experimental vaccine, while another 263 people died after taking two doses of the experimental vaccines. (Source.)
Brazil’s state news agency reports:
Vaccination does not prevent re-infection or the evolution to more serious conditions, including death.
Therefore, the Health Secretary stressed the importance of keeping the prevention measures against the new coronavirus.
“We are always alerting people to wear masks, wash their hands, use alcohol gel, and avoid crowds.
Even if we are vaccinated, we can acquire the virus and have complications”, he declared. (Source.)
Parts of this article were translated by DeepL.
Covid-19 Related Articles that You Might Want to Read
Article (06/03/21) by The Defender | Children’s Health Defense: ‘We Made a Big Mistake’ — COVID Vaccine Spike Protein Travels From Injection Site, Can Cause Organ Damage
New Research by a group of scientists shows “the COVID vaccine spike protein can travel from the injection site and accumulate in organs and tissues including the spleen, bone marrow, the liver, adrenal glands, and in “quite high concentrations” in the ovaries.“
“Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, a pediatric rheumatologist, warned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in December 2020 that the mRNA Vaccines could cause microvascular injury to the brain (Blood Clots, Aneurysms, Strokes and will long-term lead to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Dementia), heart, liver, and kidneys in ways not assessed in safety trials.
“However, when studying the severe COVID-19, […] heart problems, lots of problems with the cardiovascular system, bleeding and clotting, are all associated with COVID-19,” he added. “In doing that research, what has been discovered by the scientific community, the spike protein on its own is almost entirely responsible for the damage to the cardiovascular system, if it gets into circulation.”
When the (Vaccine’s) purified spike protein is injected into the blood of research animals, they experience damage to the cardiovascular system and the protein can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage to the brain, Bridle explained.”
In a public submission (Dec 8, 2020), Whelan sought to alert the FDA to the potential for vaccines designed to create immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to instead cause injuries.
Whelan was concerned that the mRNA vaccine technology utilized by Pfizer and Moderna had “the potential to cause microvascular injury (inflammation and small blood clots called microthrombi) to the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys in ways that were not assessed in the safety trials.”
This Article “We Made a Mistake“; tells the World that the “Pathogenic Protein-Spikes on the COVID-19 Virus AND in the VACCINES are the Same and are Deadly, AND ARE WHAT IS KILLING US! (as also is explained in this NIH.Gov Article & this NIH.Gov Article about “Prions”…)”
COVID-19 is NOT what “was” the SARS-Virus. It is what has been Genetically Engineered by the U.S & China’s “Gain of Function” Joint Research in the Wuhan Lab through the EcoHealth Alliance! (Read this NIH $7.5 Million Grant to work at Wuhan! But, when questioned arose, it was Canceled…?)
Click the Accordion Below to Read the Article About the DEADLY SPIKE PROTEIN IN THE VACCINES!
The Deadly aspect of the Virus is not the Nucleus of the COVID-19 Virus, as we were “TOLD“; it is the “Prion Protein Spike” – the Trojan Horse – that we were “SOLD!” So as you read this public information you will realize that this “PRION” is DEADLY! You will also realize that you are not being told this information purposely!
I say this with confidence and here is your first example: We were told that the Vaccine would Vaccinate us from the COVID-19 Virus and that it was 95% Efficacy (Effective Against the Virus), but both of these statements were “Purposely Misleading” so the Vaccines could get “Emergency Use Authorization“.
Continue through the Website to read the “Fact-Checking” Articles about the RRR & ARR Vaccine Efficacy Statistics. See if you feel lied to…
FACT CHECK: The Vaccines were "Really" NOT 95% Efficacy Against COVID-19
FACT: The World was Purposely Mislead with the 95% Vaccine Efficacy "RRR" Statistics
Article by: The LANCET Microbe on April 20, 2021 (Updated: July 1, 2021): COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness—the elephant (not) in the room
Article by: Reuters on June 2, 2021: Fact Check-Why Relative Risk Reduction, not Absolute Risk Reduction, is most often used in calculating vaccine efficacy
As you read the excerpts below, understand that although we were "Mislead", as stated in the very last Section "VERDICT" where the "Fact Check" Reuters Article concludes, the two sets of Statistics, are "Technically Accurate", so "They" didn't "Technically Lie", but "They" absolutely did not disclose the "Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth, so Help "Them", God!" by using the RRR Statistics.
Excerpt from the Article: "They deceived everyone..." by reporting Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) rather than Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR).” The RRR Statistics were used by OUR Government, News Media, and the FDA to make us believe (Lie to us.) that the Vaccines, specifically Pfizer BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine is 95% ( here ), for Moderna’s 94.1% ( here ), and 66.3% for the J&J/Janssen vaccine ( here ).
"They" Purposely OVERSTATED touting 95% Efficacy, and we "Trusted" "Them", because we wanted "Protection from the COVID-19 Virus".
As stated in the Article, "Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) is the arithmetic difference between event rates (the percentage of people who, for example, got infected per the number of people in the trial) within the two groups ( here )."
What does this MEAN? Well, as reported by the Reuters Article: (excerpt is below)
Tweet from “@TheLancet peer-reviewed study confirms vaccine efficacy, not as 95% stated by the vaccine companies, but as: Astra Zeneca 1.3%, Moderna 1.2%, J&J 1.2% and Pfizer 0.84%. They deceived everyone by reporting Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) rather than Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR).”
Thus, the Actual Real-World Average Effectiveness of the Vaccines or "Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) is 1.135% Efficacy!
Also reported by another Reuters Article: "Pfizer ends COVID-19 trial with 95% efficacy, to seek emergency-use authorization", "Misleading" excerpt is below:
"Nov 18 (Reuters) - Pfizer Inc said on Wednesday that final results from the late-stage trial of its COVID-19 vaccine show it was 95% effective, adding it had the required two-months of safety data and would apply for emergency U.S. authorization within days."
Another Interesting Point in this Excerpt, "Pfizer said on Wednesday there had been 170 cases of the disease in its trial..."
Pfizer Trial only had 170 Cases of People with the (COVID-19) Disease to get those 95% effective for FDA Approval then tells the World it was 95% Effective against COVID.
You might have to read that again; to have it sink in that 170 people, produced the 95% Efficacy of the Vaccines needed for FDA Approval; to then start forcing a Vaccine on the Population of the World.
Remember, you are keeping in mind throughout this website, that "They" are Pushing this Extremely "UNEFFECTIVE" "EMERGENCY USE ONLY"Vaccine on YOUR CHILDREN!
- You now know you were "Mislead" by Big Pharma, the FDA, and our Government who "Sold" us 95% Efficacy of the Vaccine against the COVID-19 Virus.
- You have known that the Cloth, Surgical, and Bandanna Masks CANNOT Protect You from an Aresole Virus, EVER.
- You now know that the Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) Vaccine Average is 1.135% Efficacy!
- So, the Vaccines obviously at 1% Efficacy NEVER "really" Protected You from the Virus, hence all the "Breakthrough" Cases of getting the Virus "After Being Vaccinated." More on these topics later.
- You know that Young Adults and especially Children are the "Lowest Risk Groups" not "High Risk at All", but we "MUST VACCINATE" them with a 1% Efficacy Vaccine? How does that Make Sense?
- VACCINATION COERCION: WHY are "They" forcefully trying to persuade people to get the Vaccine with incentives like the french fries, trips, and lottery prizes, to get a Vaccine that does not Vaccinate you for COVID?
- WHY are "They" wanting the UNVACINATED and COVID-Recovered People to wear a USELESS Mask, as Natural Immunity is ALWAYS Better than a Vaccine?
- Why is it illegal for the Federal Government (Unconstitutional) and your General Practitioner (Family DR.) to Vaccinate You (Malpractice), but it is just fine for you to "Volunteer Your Body to the Big Pharma Vaccinators?
- Your Family Dr. will lose their Medical License for administrating "Medicine that is NOT FDA APPROVED!"
- FYI - "EMERGENCY USE ONLY" removes the Responsibility of your Death when you get Vaccinated and Die because you are Volunteering to take an UNTESTED UNSAFE AND UNKNOWN TRIAL USE ONLY MEDICINE!
- You are essentially Volunteering for a World Wide Medical Trial with no ramifications to the Big Pharma Suppliers, even when you die from the Shots.
- You cannot sue the conductors of a Medical Trial that you Volunteered for, nice loophole, right?
- You are essentially Volunteering for a World Wide Medical Trial with no ramifications to the Big Pharma Suppliers, even when you die from the Shots.
- Have you Asked YOURSELF, "If the Vaccines don't Vaccinate you from Covid-19, what do they do to you, and WHAT IS IN THEM?"
- "They" knew all about and how to present the RRRs & the ARRs of the Vaccines from the BEGINNING of the FDA Approval Process!
- "They" purposely "Mislead" us into thinking we "NEEDED a VACCINE' to live through COVID, which is NOT TRUE.
- How can I state that?
- Think about it for a second, "COVID-19" Deaths are way down but do you think it is because of a 1% Effective Vaccine, Herd Immunity (that "They" claim is unobtainable), or that "They" changed how they are presenting the Statistics?
- I know the answers to these questions, yet I want you to think about what you have been told vs what I'm presenting to you, for you to make an informed decision for your life and your loved ones.
- FYI - The Vaccines NEVER Treated the Virus, They are ENCODED (mRNA) to the "Protein Spike" on the Virus, so WHY tell us the Vaccines Vaccinated us from COVID?
- What is the "Protein Spike", the Article below "We Made a Big Mistake" will open your eyes, but know you may not want to know the answers that follow?
Let’s begin by explaining the “Answer” and dismiss some “Misinformation” that was “Sold” to the Whole World about the “EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION” VACCINES:
THE QUESTION: If the “Vaccines had a 95% Efficacy Protecting us from the COVID-19 Virus“, WHY CAN WE STILL GET COVID WHEN WE’RE 100% VACCINATED?”
THE ANSWER: You Get the Virus because of One Reason: (Article: We Made a Big Mistake)
The Vaccines were NEVER Created to Treat or Protect You from Covid-19 (The Disease), the Vaccines were Created to Target the “Protein Spike” on the SARS-Co-V2 Virus, Not the Nucleus or the body of the Virus itself, so even being “Fully Vaccinated“, your body STILL must fight the Virus, and this is why Everyone will contract Covid-19 (The Disease).
If you watched the above “Coming Covid Catastrophe (Viral Immune Escape) Video“, you completly understand that the Virus is Adapting / Mutating into other “Variants” that the Vaccines Are not Targeting, so they become Inneffective, and Booster Shots Must Follow, unless the Person is allowed to have their own “Natural Immunity” get rid of the Virus.
This is the Covid-19 Trojan Horse, EVERYON GETS THE VIRUS and has to Naturally Fight it with our Natural Immune System.
This is Not a Question, this is ABSOLUTE TRUTH.
The Vaccines contain many things that are actual Human Experiments just like the Natzis did and why the “Nuremberg Code” is on this website.
Follow Up Question: Was Targeting the “Protein Spike“, i.e. the First Vaccine Shot is Billions of these “Protein Spikes“, a “New Science Mistake” or was it by “Design” with another Agenda?
This is a Real Question because the FDA, CDC, and Our Government has known from very start when they Created It and Created the Vaccines that they didn’t stop the spread of the Virus, because they Targeted the “Spike Protein“.
They also knew the ARR of the Vaccines was on average 1.135% Efficacy, but told the world it was 95% Efficacy!
AND, they have known, generously giving them the benefit of the doubt, since Dec 8th, 2020 that the Vaccines go throughout the body and cross the Blood Brain Barrier, and they know that the Protein Spike is a “Prion” that causes the 100% Terminal Prion Diseases of Alzheimers, Dementia, Parkinson’s, and Mad Cow Disease (Encephalopathy).
What is Encephalopathy?
Encephalopathyis a term that means brain disease, damage, or malfunction.
Encephalopathy can present a very broad spectrum of symptoms that range from mild, such as some memory loss or subtle personality changes, to severe, such as dementia, alzheimers, parkinsons, mad cow deisease, seizures, coma, or death.
What are Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) or Prion Diseases?
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) or Prion Diseases are a family of rare progressive neurodegenerative brain disorders that affect both humans and animals. They have long incubation periods, progress rapidly once symptoms develop (It create wholes in the Brain making it look like a Sponge and how it received its name.), and are always fatal.
Now, consider that there is $4.5 Billion allocated for Mental Health Care in the Hr1 Bill, which may be a coincidence, but it might be they know there is going to be a Mental Health Crisis with Vaccinaged People getting Prion Diseases in our near future… This should raise some eyebrows and questions, right?
Let’s Follow the Science:
There is a difference between the Vaccine’s 95% Efficacy “RRR” (Relative Risk Reduction) Stats (You were Sold!) and the “ARR” “Absolute Risk Reduction” Stats (You should have been Told!).
This “Misinformation“ is how “They” (FDA & Our Government) got the Public’s Approval!
- Article: The LANCET Microbe on April 20, 2021 (Updated: July 1, 2021): COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness—the elephant (not) in the room
- Excerpt: “Relative Risk Reductions (RRR) of 95% for the Pfizer–BioNTech, 94% for the Moderna–NIH, 91% for the Gamaleya, 67% for the J&J, and 67% for the AstraZeneca–Oxford vaccines. Thus, the Average Vaccine Efficacy is 82.8% and we were SOLD on 95% by FDA EUA.
- Excerpt: “Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR), which is the difference between attack rates with and without a vaccine, considers the whole population. ARRs tend to be ignored because they give a much less impressive effect size than RRRs: 1·3% for the AstraZeneca–Oxford, 1·2% for the Moderna–NIH, 1·2% for the J&J, 0·93% for the Gamaleya, and 0·84% for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines.
- Real-World Efficacy Average Effectiveness of the Vaccines or the “Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) is 1.135% Efficacy!
- Thus, the “ARR” Stats or the “Absolute Risk Reduction” considered the “Real World Efficacy“, shows that with the Average “ARR” the Vaccines, is only an Efficacy of 1.135%, meaning 98.865% of the Population People would “STILL GET THE VIRUS!”
- Pfizer’s own trial shows that 5% of Vaccinated People in the FDA Trial got the Virus anyway, and at ARR “Real World” Stats, the Above “Answer” remains the same, Everyone is going to get Covid-19.
- This will help the RRR and ARR Stats Make Sense:
Now, the Real Question is, When did the Vaccine Manufacturers Know the “Pathogenic Protein-Spikes” on the COVID-19 Virus, AND in the VACCINES ARE THE SAME and would Cause Damage to Our Vital Organs?
Did Fauci & Friends, the CIA, the NIH, the U.S. & China Governments, and the Global Funder of all of this, the Gate’s Foundation know all along?
It should make you wonder since this “SCIENCE” is Public Information, but “Silenced” by BigTech and the Media, and “They” are the “So-Called Experts“, who funded, designed, and created the Gain of Function Process (U.S. Patent US9884895B2 – Methods and Compositions for Chimeric Coronavirus Spike Proteins – Dr. Ralph Baric, Sudhakar Agnihothram, and Boyd Yount of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Funded by the NIH.) and worked jointly with the Chinese Scientists in the Wuhan Lab, through the CIA & NIH Funded Contracts with the EcoHealth Alliance, to create the Virus; you would think that they would have known from the beginning that the Gain of Function “Protein-Spike” they added to the Virus was DEADLY.
You might also think that they would have considered that putting BILLIONS of them in YOUR ARM might actually be a TERRIBLE IDEA!
Or… Maybe this was the Agenda all along… What does YOUR COMMON SENSE TELL YOU?!?!?
FYI – Because you NOW KNOW that the Vaccines NEVER Protected us from COVID-19 (The Disease caused by the Virus.), when the News/CDC report about the UNEXPECTED GROWING NUMBER “BREAKTHROUGH CASES“, you now know that there is NO SUCH THING, right?
How can the Virus, that the Vaccines DO NOT TARGET; “BREAKTHROUGH” a Vaccine that isn’t designed to stop it?
Everyone that Gets Covid-19 gets Covide BECAUSE the Vaccines DO NOT TARGET the Virus, they target the Protein-Spike, so the Vaccines CANNOT STOP THE VIRUS! And this is what the CDC is calling an Unexpected “Breakthrough Case” so you will not question them!
If they had to explain, they might slip up and tell us the Truth!
We just “Followed the Science“, the VACCINES DO NOT TARGET THE VIRUS. PERIOD.
Vaccine Protection from Covid-19 is a LIE. PERIOD!
I hope you start questioning EVERYTHING YOU HAVE BEEN “SOLD” about the Virus, the Vaccines, and WE ALL NEED TO BE DEMANDING TO KNOW “WHY” and “WHY” they are STILL BEING FORCED on the World!
Article by: CureUs (10/18/20): Neuroinvasion and Viral Reservoir in COVID-19
Article by: CureUs – 10/18/20: Neuroinvasion and Viral Reservoir in COVID-19
EXCERPT: “Specifically, the coronaviruses have been reported to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB), and three common virus routes to cross the BBB have been previously reported: direct infection of endothelial cells that comprise the BBB; crossing permeable regions of the BBB and infection of cells that are licensed to cross that barrier, often referred as Trojan Horse approach.
EXCERPT: “The Prions accumulate in sympathetic nerve endings within lymphoid organs, which are a reservoir of infectivity. Through sympathetic nerves, prions spread to the CNS where they replicate in neurons, causing their destruction in encephalopathies. Direct neuroinvasion contrasts with the currently accepted view that ACE2 is the primary receptor for SARS-CoV-2 for its entry into cells.”
With what is documented above, this article from October 18, 2020 (During the Lockdowns), our Government KNEW that the SARS-Co-V2 Prions cross through the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) and spread along the nerves to the Central Nervis System (CNS) and replicate in Neurons, causing destruction in encephalopathies.
In Layman’s Terms: The Prions get in our Brain through the Blood-Brain Barrier and when they get in there they replicate and create holes in our Brain, literally until we die. 100% of the time. There currently is no cure for Prion Disease, because a Prion has to be heated to over 900 Degrees Farenhite to destroy it.
I wish this wasn’t the truth, but it is and the “Science” supports what I am documenting.
How Prions Destroy a Brain:
Definition: A prionis a type of protein that can trigger normal proteins in the brain to fold abnormally and is fatal.
Picture the COVID-19 Image at the top of this webpage and think of theProtien-Spikes (Prions) as an arm that reaches out to another cell, like a brain cell, liver cell, reproduction organ cell, etc.
When it gets close and can reach it, the Prion Arm reaches out and pulls the brain cell close and “folds it“.
In the process of folding the brain cell, part of the cell is pushed out creating another Prion Arm that reaches to then next cell andrepeats the process.
This “Folding” of the brain cells slowly destroys the brain and the Prion Disease you get is determined by what part of the brain is being destroyed.
MRIs & CT Scans show the chains of folded cells and diagnose this as “Plaque” which is the the primary indictor of “Prion Disease“, i.e. Dementia, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and Mad Cow Diseases (Transmissible SpongiformEncephalopathies).
What is Encephalopathy?
Encephalopathy is a term that means brain disease, damage, or malfunction.
Encephalopathy can present a very broad spectrum of symptoms that range from mild, such as some memory loss or subtle personality changes, to severe, such as dementia, alzheimers, parkinsons, mad cow deisease, seizures, coma, or death.
What are Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) or Prion Diseases?
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) or Prion Diseases are a family of progressive neurodegenerative brain disorders that affect both humans and animals. They have long incubation periods, progress rapidly once symptoms develop (It create holes in the Brain making it look like a Sponge and how it received its name.), and are always fatal.
Now, consider that there is $4.5 Billion allocated for Mental Health Care in the Hr1 Bill, which may be a coincidence, but it might mean they know there is going to be a Mental Health Crisis with Vaccinated People getting Prion Diseases in our near future… This should raise some Eyebrows and questions, right?
Article (Link) by: The Desert Review (Apr 21, 2021) Ivermectin Wins in Court Again
(I couldn't embed the page, so use the above link to read the article.)
Dr. Tess Lawrie (Video Below), Director of the Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd., urges health professionals across the world to evaluate the evidence on ivermectin for prophylaxis and treatment of covid-19. They deserve to have effective tools available to offer their patients the best care possible.
Article by: The Desert Review (Apr 21, 2021) Ivermectin Wins in Court Again (“Ivermectin... $2 a dose.”)
“Ivermectin costs about $2 per dose. It is safer than Tylenol or most vitamins, says Dr. Pierre Kory of the FLCCC Alliance, a group of expert physicians promoting access and information through a nonprofit organization.“
“Currently, Ivermectin has already been adopted by 25 percent of the world’s countries to prevent and treat COVID-19. Bangladesh, where Ivermectin is broadly used in almost every home, enjoys a 99% lower per capita death rate from COVID-19 than the US. Bangladesh, with 160 million inhabitants, has half the US population. However, it has merely 10,000 COVID-19 deaths. Contrast that with nearly 580,000 US deaths in our country of 327 million.”
“The big problem is that information promoting Ivermectin is often censored or silenced as quickly as it is provided. Facebook, Reddit,, YouTube, and others have recently taken down posts on Ivermectin citing violation of “community standards.” .”
” A recent article (Big Pharma uses Big Tobacco’s strategy to defeat Ivermectin) exposed the link between large pharmaceutical corporations and government regulatory agencies who have financial entanglements and massive conflicts of interest.“
Think about it, if 25% of the World USES IVERMECTIN, WHY is it essentially BANNED BY THE FDA in the U.S.?
Let us Consider “Big Pharma” is $3,000 a Vaccine Shot or “Remdesivir is $3,100 per dose” (Tax Payer MONEY!) and “Ivermectin costs about $2 per dose.” Follow the Money to the Truth!
“One dose of Ivermectin was all it took to get 81-year-old John Swanson off the ventilator. John’s wife Sandra could not believe it. His story is remarkably similar to other cases of patients who were on their way out with advanced COVID-19 but saved when Ivermectin was added.”
Read the Article and “Follow the Science“.
NIH CASE STUDY: Children with Long-Covid
Children with Long-Covid - Compare the Symptoms to Vaccine Deaths
Look at the Symptoms of the "Long-Covid" and compare them to the causes of the immediate deaths in other Vaccinated People.
They are the same only less severe,as the "Adult Long-Covid"...
You just read "We Made a Big Mistake" above, if the "Prion Protein Spikes" are moving into these vital organs, the symptoms are just the beginning!
Excerpts from the Article:
A SERIOUS picture is emerging about the long-term health effects of covid-19 in some children, with UK politicians calling the lack of acknowledgment of the problem a “national scandal”.
Long-term symptoms
Symptoms of long covid were first thought to include fatigue, muscle and joint pain, headache, insomnia, respiratory problems and heart palpitations. Now, support groups and researchers say there may be up to 100 other symptoms, including gastrointestinal problems, nausea, dizziness, seizures, hallucinations and testicular pain.
Attributes and predictors of Long-COVID: Analysis of COVID cases and their symptoms collected by the Covid Symptoms Study App
Children with Long-Covid just have "Lasting Symptoms of Short-Covid" Compare the Symptoms to Vaccine Deaths
Look at the Symptoms of the "Long-Covid" and compare them to the causes of the immediate deaths in other Vaccinated People.
They are the same only less severe,as the "Adult Long-Covid"...
You just read "We Made a Big Mistake" above, if the "Prion Protein Spikes" are moving into these vital organs, the symptoms are just the beginning!
This is more information from the Same Study Above by the NIH that illustrates that “Long-Covid“ is only “Short-Covid” that lingers and/or simply gets worse becoming other Diseases.
Why Can I Say This? The Prions. As you read in the “We Made a Big Mistake” and will read as you read more of this website, you will learn that the Prions, are the “Protein-Spikes“ and they are on the SARS-Co-V2 Virus, billions are in the First Vaccine Shot, and the “mRNA” Vaccine Shot carries the DNA Instructions to make them inside your body. There is Zero Escape from them and they are what cause all the Diseases and Symptoms of Disease from COVID.
The severity of the Disease and our “Robot Medical Practitioners” have been taught to “Treat Symptoms” and not to “Cure Disease“, i.e. take some pills and come back every month for the rest of your life. Thankfully many do not want to keep doing this, but the FDA and Big Pharma are firm believers.
Thus, COVID causes so many different physical issues, in so many different places in your body, that the “COVID” root of the cause is hidden because the patient had an Aneurysm, a Blood Clot, a Stroke, Nerve Damage, Paralysis, etc. or have Memory Problems, are developing Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Dementia, or just went “Mad” and did something “Crazy” getting their self and/or others around them killed.
Don’t be fooled that there is any difference, except “severity” in Short, Long, or Immediate Death from Covid and/or the Vaccines. Prions are SERIOUS DISEASE CAUSING ANTIGENS!
When you truly understand the “Science about Prions (Covid Protein-Spikes) you will understand why the “We Made a Big Mistake” Article has been ignored by the Media. But is it protecting us from really bad news or part of a terrible agenda for most of the population?
Look at the below Graphic and you can clearly see the only difference is the severity and persistence of the symptoms. Not what is being affected in the Patients.
Understanding What We Know & Why Are Being Slaughtered?
Yes, Sadly We are being Slaughtered! And, We Are Volunteering to Get Slaughtered!
The CDC Stopped Counting most of the Vaccine Deaths and Inflected Injuries (May 1, 2021) "If the Person DIED or was Hospitalized within 14-Days of Receiving the Vaccine!" They call these "COVID Complications"! So, No One can Audit the Real Numbers of Vaccine Deaths!
It is only a Vaccine "Breakthrough Case" if they Die 15-Days or Greater! This is why my Friend's Best Friend is a "COVID Complicated Death", she died too FAST from the Vaccine, so it must have been "COVID" even though she had COVID and Recovered last November!
What We Know is the Vaccines NEVER were Intended to Vaccinate Us from COVID-19.
- The 1st Shot is a Massive Dose of "Protein Spikes (Prions)" into our bodies is literally killing people and they are forcing it on us and our children.
- The 2nd Shot is a Massive Dose of mRNA that causes our bodies to literally make more "Protein Spikes (Prions)"!
The REAL QUESTION is "Why We are Being Slaughtered and Who is Behind This?"
Questions You've Asked Yourself, but still may not know the Answer.
ANSWER: "To Save Me, My Family, and the Ones I Care About from the COVID-19 Virus."
HIDDEN AGENDA: "If the VAccine does not protect any of us from Getting the Virus", WHY are we STILL Being "Sold" it does and WHY are we being FORCED TO TAKE IT?
SECOND QUESTION: "Why were we told the "Vaccines were 95% Efficacy AGAINST COVID-19?"
ANSWER: To Get the Public to Believe they were AND to get EVERYONE to Get Vaccinated. The FDA used the RRR Stats (95% Efficacy) and not the ARR Stats (1.135% Efficacy) to convice us.
FYI - The Vaccines DO NOT TARGET the COVID-19 Virus, only the PROTEIN SPIKE, and this is why you still get the "Disease COVID-19", this is caused by the "Virus".
THIRD QUESTION: "WHY you are not being told about the Real Danger from the "Prions" on the Virus and that the "1st Vaccine Shots are filled with the SAME Spike Protein Prions"; and that the second Vaccine's "mRNA's Instructions," tell your body how to make more "Spike Proteins Prions"?
ANSWER: "They" DO NOT WANT US TO KNOW that the Vaccines are literally going to kill us, some will be fast as we sort of hear about in the news, and the rest are going to start dying from PRION DISEASE in the NEAR FUTURE.
HIDDEN AGENDA: The World, not just the U.S. is going to have a MASSIVE WAVE of PRION DESEASES! Alzheimers, Dementia, Parkenson's, and Yes, Mad Cow Disease that you have already read about! It is a slow death, so most of the Population will be Vaccinated before this is make Public. Then, it is essentially too late.
This is the Globalist Depopulation Agenda, and it is well under way! Do Not Get the Vaccine.
The Answers above Questions paint a picture of outright evil and genocide.
These Articles and Videos provide substantiation on the "Science" and the "Truth", but the audacity of the Globalists to do this to the population is criminal!
Common Sense will tell you that if you are infected with these "Protein Spike Prions" from the Virus, that you can fight off, and then, in the 1st Vaccine, you literally add Billions of them to your body, your body will try to fight them off, and if you already have Anti-Bodies from recovering from COVID-19, your body is going to react severely to the Vaccine. These are the people dying within days or weeks of the Vaccine.
Then, you teach your body with the second Vaccine Shot "mRNA" how to create more "Prions" on its own, HOW can you NOT EXPECT to develop "Prion Diseases", right?
The more "Prions" the quicker onset and the more serious the "Prion Disease", simple math...more means more, right?
These Prions DO NOT STAY IN THE INJECTION SITE! They go into our "VITAL ORGANS", i.e. your Brain, Heart (The Children having the Heart Problems!), the liver, reproductive organs, etc., AND, just so you know, they also affect your Blood Cells and Veins, so yes, lots of Blood Clots! All of this is caused by the Prions!
TAKE AWAY: As indicated in the first paragraphs of this webpage, the SARS-Co-V2 Virus has a Genetically "Gain of Function" Engineered (By Globalists, in the U.S. & China.) these "Prion-Domain Receptor Protein-Spikes" that you eventually hear about on the News, is a "Depopulation Bioweapon" designed to do exactly what it is doing to our bodies.
It was disguised as a "Respiratory COVID-19 Pandemic", but the COVID Vaccine was really a "Trojan Horse" to deliver Prion Diseases to the world.
It is a fact that it is Man-Made, we have the U.S. Patents funded by Faui & Friends, including the CIA to Prove It (it is about to surface on the News); leading to one REAL QUESTION TO ANSWER:
Was the Release of the SARS-Co-V2 Virus upon the world an accident or on purpose?
Personally, I want to believe it was an accident, but because of the Vaccines being Encoded to give us Billions of the Prions AND to use "mRNA" to instruct our bodies to make Billions more, it has to be with intent. There is no way a Bio-Scientist, Dr. of Viral Medicine, anyone with a Clue about what "Prions" are and what they Do to their Host, would EVER Pump Billions of them into a Person, better yet, the Majority of the Worlds Population, unless they intended on killing them.
The biggest reason this is a "Trojan Horse" is "Conventional Medician" TREATS SYMPTIONS of DISEASE. Pills, shots, two Apsprine and call in the morning, etc.
Prions, cause so many physical issues, in so many different places in your body, that the root of the cause is hidden because you had an Aneurysm, a Blood Clot, a Stroke, Nerve Damage, Paralysis, etc. or have Memory Problems, are developing Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Dementia, or just went "Mad" and did something "Crazy" getting yourself and/or others around you killed.
Just consider how difficult is it going to be to diagnose by the average Doctor when they ask you, "What seems to be the problem?" and the list of SYMPTOMS get a Pill, etc... (Root Cause Hidden.)
"THIS ANSWER", I expect, will elude most of us all for a while, and sadly for many, it may be too late to recover from the damage already inflected.
What we know now this Virus was Created to be a Bioweapon.
The SARS-Co-V2 Virus is the fuse and they pulled a fast one telling us, you see the smoke, so you know there is Dynomite around somewhere, AND WE WILL PROTECT YOU!!!
But, the First Vaccine is Gun Powder, and the Second Vaccine is Nitro, and now we are just waiting for the Bomb to Explode!
It is very lethal, as it kills some quickly, while others are going to suffer through various forms of Prion Disease, and the results of where they are attacking your body.
Just so you know, I thought I was pretty creative with my website's domain "" but the phrase was already published in the CureUs Article below; with details that the "Prions" attack our Central Nervous System (CNV) and Brain Cells (Neurons) causing "encephalopathies" which are "Prion Diseases".
What is Encephalopathy?
Encephalopathy is a term that means brain disease, damage, or malfunction. Encephalopathy can present a very broad spectrum of symptoms that range from mild, such as some memory loss or subtle personality changes, to severe, such as dementia, alzheimers, parkinsons, mad cow deisease, seizures, coma, or death.
What are Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) or Prion Diseases?
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) or prion diseases are a family of rare progressive neurodegenerative brain disorders that affect both humans and animals. They have long incubation periods, progress rapidly once symptoms develop (It create wholes in the Brain making it look like a Sponge and how it received its name.), and are always fatal.
Take a moment to open your mind to see what looks like a Horrific Agenda.
Our Media and Governments are working together to hide the “Science about what we now Know is in the Vaccines, that the U.S. AND China JOINTLY created it in a Lab“, and are spuing “confusing disinformation” to distract us from learning the truth about their Trojan Horse Agenda. Depopulation by the Globalists? I know what I see!
They are treating us as “Sheeple” and “Vaccinating” us for slaughter.
Just think for a second about “WHAT” the CDC, the MEDIA, and our Government (Fauci & Friends) have told us all along. You can “still Get the Virus even after You have Been Vaccinated.” The Below Articles provide the “Science” and explain to you WHY; and how the “Protein Spike“, which is a “Prion“, has been hidden away (Trojan Horse War Tactic!) under the guise of COVID, but the “Protein Prion Spike” is the Agenda!
EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW THIS! Share the Truth and Stop the Slaughter!
Now that you know what is in the Vaccines; "WHY are they FORCING IT on Everyone, even Children?"
Have YOU given much thought to the Commercials, the Billboards, the News Media, the Announcements in Supermarkets, all the signs up and down the Interstates, where YOU are Bribed, Coerced to Travel or go to School, being offered Free Prizes, Food, Trips, Tickets, Lotteries, and people are even being Paid to Get Vaccinated…
WHY? If they don’t do what we were told they do, WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO US!?! We Must Demand Answers to the ONE QUESTION! It is key to our Future.
I can think of ZERO Good Reasons and Many Bad Reasons, so I have to agree with others that COVID-19 is a Bioweapon.
If you watched the Video Footage and saw Fauci’s Gain of Function Professor (Ralph Baric) from the University of North Carolina stating, that “they” (Fauci with NIH & CIA Funded) created the new Virus (Antigen) from the SARS-Co-V1 in 2003, and that “they” have “3 or 4 ways to modify a Virus so no one could tell we did it.“
Nice, right? Well, at least he admitted it on camera. Do YOU still believe it was “Naturally Occurring” when Baric flat out tells you “he and his colleagues made it”?
Not Joking, watch the COVID-19 is a Bioweapon Video and you will know most of the Virus & Vaccine Facts are still being withheld from the public and will be until maximum numbers of the population are able to be inoculated with the Vaccines.
I want you to be informed and make informed decisions for YOURSELF. Consider the Evidence I have presented and ACTUALLY FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!
There is a Hidden Agenda because there ABSOLUTELY ZERO REASON to push the Vaccines on our Children.
Follow all the “SCIENCE“, not just what “They” are Making Public. We have to call them out for what is happening and not wait too long to unite.